Tiddles is a suave, carefree kitty cat whose only pleasures in life are eating mice, wooing the ladies, and being generally apathetic toward his owner, Jake. But when a toxic spill occurs outside of town, Tiddles finds himself savagely attacked by a nasty-looking radioactive field mouse, and he wakes up as one of the undead. However, he still retains a bit of compassion and refrains-for now-from zombie Bacchanalian delights, such as eating living beings’ brains! Umm… any brains at all!
However, Tiddles, a.k.a. Zombie Cat, is decomposing rapidly and would prefer to live a normal life in the zombie apocalypse with his owner. But will Jake take in his former cuddly pet or will ZC be doomed to roam the streets trying to avoid the inevitable pull of his undead yearnings? Zombie Cat is a humorous adult picture book in the vein of Pat the Zombie and Ten Little Zombies: A Love Story.
Isabel Atherton’s quirky storytelling combined with Bethany Straker’s captivating (and slightly grotesque!) illustrations make this the perfect addition to any Halloween collection. It’s the ideal gift for anycrazed zombie fanatic-or equally crazed cat lover.
Tiddles was just your friendly neighborhood cat until he was bitten by a radioactive field mouse. Now, he has been reborn as Zombie Cat, and he’s haunting bookstores starting this fall.
Zombie Cat: The Tale of a Decomposing Kitty is a new illustrated book for adults, written by Isabel Atherton, which melds two of the Internet’s unyielding obsessions: kitties and zombies, of course — into one presumably world-dominating package. The book tells the story of Tiddles’ transformation from lady-loving feline to a brain-obsessed undead animal who just wants to be loved by his human, Jake. It’s a story of self-control, friendship, and most importantly, the zombie apocalypse. What’s not to love?
While some so-called zombie experts claim that animals cannot become members of the undead — a fact which has (so far) been reinforced on the popular AMC show, The Walking Dead — Atherton’s quirky tale says otherwise. Who are we to argue? It’s her wacky world, we’re just going to be reading about it.
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