We are not currently looking for new fiction clients, but we are considering well crafted non-fiction and illustrated books. If you’d like to send us your material, please approach us in writing via this form with your publishing history and CV, together with a synopsis and three sample chapters. We do not accept paper submissions, so please do not send them to us. If you send a paper submission to us, we will not return it.

Creative Authors does not charge a reading fee. Our rates and additional information are available on request. Please do not telephone us regarding unsolicited submissions. We are not unfriendly, but simply do not have the time to return calls regarding unsolicited submissions. If you wish to submit your proposal or sample chapters, please contact us by using this form.

Please note we are unable to provide detailed feedback unless we decide to represent you. If you are a writer seeking a more detailed response to your work, we can recommend The Writers’ Workshop, Cornerstones, and The Oxford Editors all of whom assist on a fee-paying basis.

It’s also worth taking a look at the following books:



Our agency experiences a very high volume of submissions, so please do not chase us. Our first priority are the authors who are already signed to the agency. If you do not receive a response from us within 6 weeks, then unless we contact you to say otherwise, we are not interested.

The high level of unsolicited material received each week makes it impossible to log submissions as they pass through the office. We cannot be held responsible for material that may be lost or damaged in transit or otherwise. Always keep a copy of your material for your records.

We are not looking for fantasy, science-fiction, poetry, short stories, plays and scripts. We are also not looking for fiction at present.

All submissions handled in confidence.

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    “Since being represented by Isabel and Creative Authors, my career has blossomed. She has opened up opportunities in markets I would never have considered and ferreted out great deals for me – including a movie deal! Creative Authors is a great organisation to have behind you.”

    Anthony Galvin, Creative Authors Client