Jules Miller

About Jules

Jules Miller is an graphic designer and illustrator. She is also the director of Jules Miller Cards – a publishing company producing ranges of greetings cards featuring her illustrations. Jules’ work has been published in books and magazines and her illustrations have even been turned into cross-stitch patterns! Her prints and cards are sold in shops far and wide; from cities in Australia, to little villages in England. Jules lives in Brighton with her husband, two children, two hairy dogs and a very grumpy cat (mainly due to the two hairy dogs).

With a passion for poetry and children’s picture books – Jules has written and illustrated two books: The first published in 2014:

‘Ellie and the truth about the Tooth Fairy’ is a tale full of magic and sparkles – and is a fairy tale, that combines Jules’ love of rhyme with her colourful and quirky illustrations.

Jules’ second book: ‘When Night Became Day’ is a modern day folk tale about a time when the Sun and the Moon swap jobs – and the rather Disastrous Consequences that this has for everyone on the earth below.

Both of these lovely books are published in Hardback by Sky Pony Press. ‘When Night Became Day’ has also been published by a Korean publisher.

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Jules’ Illustrator Profile Jules’ Website


“When I first took the plunge into self-employment, Isabel was there to guide me, inspire me and help me get my work published. I’ve worked on over 15 books and none of them would have been possible without her.”

Bethany Straker, Creative Authors Client