April 8th, 2015

A Conversation with US Book Blogger, Margie from Bumbles and Fairy-Tales

Today we’re welcoming US book blogger, Margie from Bumbles and Fairy-Tales. I love this blog, and follow Margie on all her social media sites, so it’s great to have the chance to chat to her here today!

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KO: Hi Margie! Thanks for stopping by! First can you tell us how long you’ve had your lovely blog, and what kind of content you post on there?

MC: Hi Kate! Thank you so much for having me here today!

I have had my book blog for a little over 3 years now. My blog has mostly focused on Young Adult books, but for the past year, I have been trying to include other genres as well. I still post about Young Adult books, but there is a higher presence of children’s picture books as well; and a few featured middle grade and adult literature too. 

KO: Such a wonderful variety! It’s lovely that you also get to share the picture books with your boys before reviewing—what do they think about the exciting new books that come in the mail?

MC: I am so very lucky that my boys love books just as much as I do! They are always excited to see packages come in the mail, so much so, that they eagerly anticipate and stalk our mailman everyday, lol! My boys are now ages 11, 8 and 1 1/2 – it is obvious that the older two are more aware of what I do. They tell people that mommy reads a lot and then goes on the computer to share her opinions and stuff. Lately, they like to give their opinions – which reminds me of what it is like to be their age and how to view things differently. As a parent, it is easy to be in adult-mode all the time. And I love how they are able to give me a different point-of-view. They’re tough critics and can rewrite stories in a heartbeat too, lol! My oldest likes to create fanfic with his favorites and thinks I’m lucky to be able to read all the books I want to. My middle guy thinks I’m important because authors and editors know me and that they like to send us stuff. They’re both hoping to one day have their own book blogs so they can talk to all the cool and important book people too!

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KO: To readers who’re hoping to set up their own book blog but aren’t sure where to begin, what advice would you give for starting out?

MC:  I would tell them what my husband told me when I asked what he thought about my idea to book blog: Just do it!!! But don’t expect anything. Do it for yourself. And if things fly – bonus points!!! For me, that was the best advice. If you want to book blog, do it, but do it for yourself – to share your love of reading and books! Please don’t do it to try to get free books. And please don’t expect to get comments, followers and high stats right away. It takes patience, and time. And people will notice and see you. Don’t be afraid to dive in – whether you choose blogger, wordpress, or some other site. I am not a tech savvy person, and I’ve been able to blog for almost 8 years now – anyone can do it. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for opinions or help from other book bloggers too. The majority of the community is very welcoming and supportive. 

KO: Keeping a blog active can be hard work, so how often do you post, and how far ahead do you plan?

MC: I try to post 3 to 5 times per week. Depending on what my post is featuring, sometimes I can pre-post weeks ahead; for memes, I usually try to schedule them 4 to 6 weeks ahead. Most of my blog tours are scheduled 2 to 4 weeks before. And for book reviews I try to get them as close to their release date as possible, depending on when I actually get to read the book. Things can get quite tricky when I fall behind on my review pile, lol! When this happens, then I start to type reviews up the night before! The thing, for me, is that book blogging is a hobby and there is no real pressure to post everyday. I am comfortable going off the grid for a week or so, or just posting memes for a while too. As long as I’m happy and able to share books that I love, I feel that my readers will be supportive and happy too.

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KO: Where do you find most inspiration for new reads?

MC: Oh, this is so hard for me to answer! I am inspired by so my things… I would have to say, primarily, I am inspired by the book community itself. When I see genuine love for a book, I am instantly drawn to it and add it to my list. It is so easy for me to fall for authors and their books via twitter and instagram. And now, if I see a favorite author speaking highly of another author’s work, I’m instantly motivated to look into it!

Also, the more diverse and different a book is, the better! I am very keen on books that are multi-genre too, mostly, contemporary with any other genre draws me in like a moth to a flame!

KO: What are you waiting on? Which upcoming releases have caught your eye?

MC: There are SO many good books that are coming up soon! At the moment my list is quite large, lol! 

These three are being released very soon, I am excited to get to them as soon as I can… Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley (a young adult book about a sickly girl on Earth, but strong heroine on a ship in the sky – a mashup of TFIOS and Stardust with a touch of Peter Pan!), Pip Bartlett’s Guide to Magical Creatures by Maggie Stiefvater and Jackson Pearce (a middle grade book about a girl who can talk to magical creatures! Including UNICORNS!) and, Boats for Papa by Jessixa Bagley (a picture book that is already tugging at my heart (a heartwarming story about a boy who deals with the loss of his grandfather).

And in a short few months, I am looking forward to Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell (a middle grade steampunk retelling of Cinderella!) and, you may have already heard of this one, The Wanderers by Kate Ormand (circus shape-shifters!!!).

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KO: Hehe! Thanks for the mention! And to finish, can you give us a selection of your favourite books? What would you recommend to us?

MC: Oh my, so many favorites, so hard to narrow it down… 

Favorite Adult Lit – The Christmas Box by Richard Paul Evans

Favorite YA – A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, and Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Favorite Middle Grade – Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin and Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series by Jeff Kinney

Favorite Children’s Picture Book – Leaf by Stephen Michael King, Tickle Monster by Josie Bissett and My Dinosaur is More Awesome! by Simon Coster

Favorite Classics – Peter Pan and Little Women. 

KO: Thanks so much, Margie!

You can see more about Margie and books by visiting her site (http://bumblesandfairytales.blogspot.com_) or on Twitter (@thebumblegirl).

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