Zuza Zak calls herself a Storyteller-cook and has published four recipe and culture books – Polska (2016, Quadrille), Amber&Rye (2020, Murdoch), Pierogi (2022, Quadrille) and Slavic Kitchen Alchemy (2023, Watkins).
Her books have been translated into Polish, German, Dutch, French and Hungarian. Zuza learnt the arts of cooking and foraging from her Polish grandmothers and is passionate about passing that knowledge on to her own children. Zuza lives by the sea with her two daughters, her partner, their two cats, four chickens and three aquariums of fish. She spends her free time in the garden, trying to grow vegetables.
“When I first took the plunge into self-employment, Isabel was there to guide me, inspire me and help me get my work published. I’ve worked on over 15 books and none of them would have been possible without her.”
Bethany Straker, Creative Authors Client