Looking for Sleep

Once upon a sleepy forest, there was a not-so-sleepy wolf. No matter what he tries, he just cannot fall asleep. "Sleep must be hiding!" Wolf decides. "I'll just have to go and find it!" The perfect bedtime book for little ones who just can't fall asleep!


When wolf cannot fall asleep, he embarks on a journey with his friends to look for sleep — from dens to burrows and everything in between. Will they ever find sleep? Or will they discover that it’s sleep that needs to find them, after all?

Story by Georgiana Deutsch and illustrations by Megan Tadden.

Tiger Tales (Little Tiger, pub. March 2021).

Publishing as Wide Awake Wolf in the UK market and pub. May 2021.


Megan Tadden

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Amazon, US Amazon, UK Little Tiger Barnes and Noble, US Waterstones, UK


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